



















...畢卡索 盲人的一餐 紐約大都會藝術博物館藏 大都會藝術博物館原文 One of the most important of Picasso's Blue Period canvases, this work is a remarkable restatement of the Christian sacrament-the ritual of tasting bread and wine to evoke the flesh and blood of Christ-in contemporary terms. Lit with the mystical light of El Greco, the composition derives its strength from its sparse setting and restricted palette. Picasso described the painting in a letter to his friend the French poet Max Jacob: "I am painting a blind man at the table. He holds a piece of bread in his left hand and with his right hand reaches for a jug of wine. There is a dog nearby that looks at him. I am quite happy with it [although] it is not yet finished." Technical analysis shows that the dog appeared in an earlier state of the picture, at bottom left, near the plate. Underneath the present composition is another work, a crouching female nude seen in profile. ...畢卡索 盲人的早餐 網傳鑑賞文章 《盲人的早餐》描繪一位盲人坐在桌前,眼窩深陷,毫無生氣,枯瘦如柴的手摸索著桌上的水壺和麵包。在巴塞隆納期間,畢卡索畫了一系列關於盲人的作品。盲者最能體現人類的困境--盲目的,不僅是看不到光明,而且根本就沒有光明的概念。沉於黑暗的深淵,它的盡頭依然是黑暗。愛情是盲目的,幸福是盲目的,只有苦難永遠睜大著獰厲的眼睛。 畢卡索在1901-1904年藍色時期時期,承受著失去好友卡薩赫馬斯的巨大痛苦,並親眼目擊了下層小人物生活的艱辛與困窘。因此這一時期作品的主角大部分都是形象消瘦、目光呆滯的勞苦大眾。比如《熨燙衣服的女人》,畫面描繪的是一個下層的勞動婦女熨燙衣服的情景。畫面上的線條多是向下的,無論是她手臂的線條還是呆滯的眼神,都是向下整理流動的。 還有畢卡索在這一時期創作的本副作品《盲人的早餐》,畫中描繪盲人的線條多是向下或者橫向流動的。同樣,在音樂中,如果旋律中要表達悲傷、憂愁、無奈的情感時,旋律線通常也是下滑的:如果旋律是表現沉靜、柔和、暗淡的情感時,旋律線也多是趨向「橫」的方向,比較舒緩。由此可見。無論是線條還是旋律線在表現情感時,其構成有著突出的相似性。 作品資料 The Blind Man's Meal Artist:Pablo Picasso (Spanish, Malaga 1881–1973 Mougins, France) Date:1903 Medium:Oil on canvas Dimensions:37 1/2 x 37 1/4 in. (95.3 x 94.6 cm) Classification:Paintings Credit Line:Purchase, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Haupt Gift, 1950 Accession Number:50.188 Rights and Reproduction:© 2018 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 陰山工作室 中國的網絡文化越來越讓人啼笑皆非。第一個人在鍵盤上想當然敲出的字,經常會被大量複製粘貼,三人成虎。 畢卡索的這件作品,紐約大都會藝術博物館的原文標題是The Blind Man's Meal。 但是我們在搜索這件作品的時候,得到的卻是《盲人的早餐》。 那麼問題來了:盲人在進餐沒錯,畢卡索在寫給他朋友法國詩人馬克斯雅各布的信中描述了這幅畫,說的也確實是「我在畫一位坐在桌子前進餐的盲人」。問題是,畢卡索並沒有說是早餐。 這就涉及到關於 Meal的意思了。 金山詞霸 meal 英 [mi:l] 美 [mil] n. 餐,飯;進餐(時間);〈英〉一次擠奶量;穀物粗粉(用作飼料或加工麵粉) vi. 進餐 複數: meals 牛津詞典 noun 1 [C] 早(或午、晚)餐;一頓飯 an occasion when people sit down to eat food, especially breakfast, lunch or dinner Try not to eat between meals. 兩餐之間儘量別吃東西。 Lunch is his main meal of the day. 午飯是他的正餐。 (especially BrE) to go out for a meal (= to go to a restaurant to have a meal) 上館子用餐 What time would you like your evening meal? 你打算幾點鐘吃晚飯? 2 [C] 一餐所吃的食物 the food that is eaten at a meal Enjoy your meal. 請用餐。 a three-course meal 有三道菜的一頓飯 3 [U] (often in compounds 常構成複合詞) 穀物粗粉(用作飼料或加工麵粉) grain that has been crushed to produce a powder, used as food for animals and for making flour see also bonemeal, oatmeal(1), wholemeal 習語 make a meal of sth (informal) 小題大做;做事過於認真 to spend a lot of time, energy, etc. doing sth in a way that other people think is unnecessary and/or annoying a square meal 一頓豐盛的飯 a good, satisfying meal He looks as though he hasn't had a square meal for weeks. 看他那樣子,就好像幾個星期沒吃過一頓像樣的飯了。 也就是說,meal並不是特指「早餐」。 那麼早餐應該怎麼說呢?我們來看看百度翻譯的補充說明。 meals People use the words dinner , lunch , supper and tea in different ways depending on which English-speaking country they come from. In Britain it may also depend on which part of the country or which social class a person comes from. 來自不同英語國家的人使用dinner、lunch、supper和tea的方式各不相同。在英國,這些詞的用法按某人來自的地區和社會階層而有所區別。 A meal eaten in the middle of the day is usually called lunch . If it is the main meal of the day it may also be called dinner in BrE , especially in the north of the country. 午餐通常叫做lunch,但在英國英語中,尤其在英國北部,如果是一天的主餐,亦可叫做dinner。 A main meal eaten in the evening is usually called dinner , especially if it is a formal meal. Supper is also an evening meal, but more informal than dinner and usually eaten at home. It can also be a late meal or something to eat and drink before going to bed. 晚上的主餐,尤其是正式用餐,通常叫做dinner。supper亦為晚餐,但不如dinner正式,而且一般在家裡吃,亦可指較晚的晚餐或睡前夜宵。 In BrE , tea is a light meal in the afternoon with sandwiches, cakes, etc. and a cup of tea. 在英國英語中,tea指下午的茶點,包括三明治、糕點等和一杯茶: a cream tea 奶油茶點 It can also be a main meal eaten early in the evening, especially by children. tea亦可指傍晚主餐,尤指孩子傍晚食用的: What time do the kids have their tea? 孩子們什麼時候用傍晚主餐? As a general rule, if dinner is the word someone uses for the meal in the middle of the day, they probably call the meal in the evening tea or supper . If they call the meal in the middle of the day lunch , they probably call the meal in the evening dinner . 一般說來,若午餐叫dinner,晚餐則大多叫tea或supper。如果午餐叫lunch,晚餐則大多叫dinner。 Brunch , a combination of breakfast and lunch, is becoming more common, especially as a meal where your guests serve themselves. brunch已變得越來越普遍,意為合二為一的早午餐,尤指客人自助餐。 柯林斯詞典 1 N-COUNT 一餐;一頓飯 A meal is an occasion when people sit down and eat, usually at a regular time. She sat next to him throughout the meal... 用餐時她一直坐在他身旁。 2 N-COUNT 一餐所吃的食物 A meal is the food you eat during a meal. The waiter offered him red wine or white wine with his meal... 侍者為他端上佐餐的紅葡萄酒或者白葡萄酒。 3 N-UNCOUNT (穀物的)粗磨粉 Meal is a rough powder made of crushed grain. It is used to make flour or animal food. 4 See also: bone meal 5 PHRASE 花費過多的時間或精力做…;對…小題大做 If you think someone is taking more time and energy to do something than is necessary, you can say that they are making a meal of it. Lawyers always make such a meal of the simplest little thing. 律師總是死摳細節。 6 PHRASE 健康豐盛的一餐 If you have a square meal, you have a large healthy meal. Usage Note: The first meal of the day is called breakfast. The most common word for the midday meal is lunch, but in some parts of Britain, and in some contexts, dinner is used as well. He seldom has lunch at all. dinners. ...Christmas dinner. However, dinner is used mainly to refer to a meal in the evening. ...a celebratory dinner in the evening. In British English, it may also suggest a formal or special meal. Supper and tea are sometimes also used to refer to the evening meal, though for some people, supper is a snack in the late evening and tea is a light meal in the afternoon. 一天中的第一餐稱作 breakfast。表示午餐最常用的詞是 lunch,但英國有些地方在一些語境中也用 dinner:He seldom has lunch at all (他很少吃午餐),school dinners (學校的午餐),Christmas dinner (聖誕午餐)。不過 dinner 主要是指晚餐:a celebratory dinner in the evening (慶祝晚宴)。在英國英語中,dinner 也可以指正餐或特別的一餐。supper 與 tea 有時也指晚餐,不過對於有些人來說,supper 指夜宵,而 tea 則指下午茶。 早餐 [詞典]breakfast; breaker; dejeuner 從以上解釋和說明中,我們無法找到 Meal 特指早餐的依據。 畢卡索信中說:「我正在桌子上畫一個盲人。他左手拿著一塊麵包,右手伸手去拿一壺酒。附近有一隻狗看著他。雖然還沒有完成,但我還是很高興。」早餐喝酒吃麵包亦有悖常理。 因此,將The Blind Man's Meal翻譯為《盲人的早餐》是不正確的。《盲人的一餐 》或更貼切,再或者按畫面意譯為《用餐的盲人》亦無不可。 我們對西方人的習慣所知有限,根據資料推定而已,請方家教正。本文自:陰山工作室












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